Thermal Center Signage

Signage, Pictograms, Thermal Baths

For this project, the objective was to create around ten pictograms for a thermal center.

Water, source of life and relaxation. Water is essential to life and has many other benefits. It gives us a feeling of calm that our unconscious would associate with sensations experienced in our mothers' wombs. By its purity, water envelops us entirely, and while cleaning what it touches, water gives us the feeling that it has also cleaned our thoughts. By immersing us in its transparency, it rewards us with a relaxing silence. At the same time, it shows us its power because the lack of oxygen throws us to its surface.

The minimalist approach used in the design of these pictograms aimed to better represent the purity of water. The geometric shapes used recall the geometry of H2O water molecules in their spatial configuration. The pictograms were created in a circular format while making them as geometric as possible, for more harmony. In order to better represent the transparency of water, these pictograms were then declined on a stainless steel metal support such as a stencil, intended to be fixed on walls or other wall supports. Transparency would therefore be represented by the absence of material. Water is often associated with blue/green colors, which can go unnoticed. As a result, a rather "bold" design was imagined in order to give more character and visibility to the signage, but also a more refined look. This choice of metal support offers several advantages, since thermal baths require impeccable hygiene, this type of support is easy to clean without affecting its integrity over time.